Beginning in 1995, Paul Auffrey of the Regional Clinical Engineering Service in Moncton, NB, organized and hosted twelve annual conferences for clinical engineering colleagues. They proved to be very successful, drawing Clinical Engineering professionals from all parts of Canada.

With each year’s success, more and more people attended while drawing an increasing number of vendors/sponsors who play a large part in the success of the conferences. A measure of the success of these events was the inevitable outgrowing of the available space at the George Dumont in Moncton.

In 2008, the Newfoundland Clinical Engineering community hosted the conference with great success. This year ownership of the event has officially passed over to the Atlantic Canada Clinical Engineering Society (ACCES) .

Some key dates.

  • 1995- First conference at School of nursing (École Providence) of the Dr. Georges-L Dumont Hospital with a total of 47 participants.
  • 1996- 2nd conference at the Education department- The Moncton Hospital.
  • 2008- 13th conference in St. John’s, Newfoundland.
  • 2009- 14th conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia; first conference organized by ACCES- First year in a conference center.
  • 2010- Conference back to Moncton at Delta Beasejour.
  • 2011- Conference in St. John’s, Newfoundland.
  • 2012- First joint conference ACCES12/CMBEC35 in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
  • 2013- Conference in Saint John, New Brunswick for the first time.